Fontenay Kiabella of Venkersh
29-Oct  Puppy Bitch  1st    (7/0) Midland Counties (Championship Show) Andrew Brace
09-Dec  Puppy Bitch  1st    (9/1) LKA (Championship Show) Lorna Ireland
   Best Puppy           
06-May  Junior Bitch  1st    (9/0) SE PMDC (Open Show) Joan Dowdell
   Novice Bitch  1st    (7/0)    
28-May  Special Puppy Bitch  1st    (5/1) Crufts (Championship Show) Angela Smith
   Best Puppy           
09-Jun  Junior Bitch  2nd    (5/0) Bath (Championship Show) Noel Melling
   Novice Bitch  2nd    (9/0)    
29-Jun  Junior Bitch  3rd    (6/2) Windsor (Championship Show) Colin Bowker
06-Oct  Graduate Bitch  1st    (6/2) SE PMDC (Limited Show) Jenny Weetch
   Postgraduate Bitch  1st    (7/2)    
   Best Bitch           
01-May  Limit Bitch  3rd    (8/3) SE PMDC (Open Show) Sue Lewis



Page Last Updated : 19/08/2018 09:03:26
By Barry Denyer (07968 679988)
For and on behalf of The Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club of Great Britain