High Jinks At Midnight
05-Oct  Puppy Bitch  Res    (4/0) SE PMDC (Limited Show) Eddy Van Eck
04-Oct  Maiden Bitch  VHC    (9/-) SE PMDC (Limited Show) Paul Spicer
11-Dec  Novice Bitch  VHC    (9/-) LKA (Championship Show) Sue Garner
25-Mar  Under Graduate Bitch  Res    (8/-) SE PMDC (Championship Show) Harry Jordan
13-May  Under Graduate Bitch  Res    (4/-) SE PMDC (Open Show) Marie Budd



Page Last Updated : 19/08/2018 09:03:34
By Barry Denyer (07968 679988)
For and on behalf of The Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club of Great Britain